Thursday, July 26, 2007


Strawberry icecream dripped pink and cream dots on the grass as she taught him how to to use his tongue to push it to the tip of the cone, sweet and crunchy to the very end. And below the sun-baking grassy cliffs at the most eastern tip of the lonely country they could hear the whales breathing.


Anonymous said...

Whales? Whales seem to be everywhere at the moment. Hmm.

[Sorry. This comment has far more significance to me than it will do to you. I apologise for being self-referential.]

camille said...

And here I was thinking whales were somewhat of a novel subject. Hmmm indeed.

Can you hear the other whales breathing or are they more metaphorical sea creatures Mr. Witness?

Ani Smith said...

Camille, I could swear the smell of sweet ice cream and fresh grass just wafted through my room.

[Oh and, *pointing at that first comment* every post is always about him, isn't it?]

Anonymous said...

Um, yes, to placate Ani up there, I do apologise for invading your comments with my own rather specific pontificating - it's just that I am sort of writing about a whale at the moment. Mmhmm. Yes.

[And yes, every post is about me. I bought the internet yesterday at a car boot sale for £17.50. Bargain, I'd say.]

camille said...

Ani - I hope the ice-cream smelt as good as it tasted, the real strawberry kind with bits of soft cold fruit peppered throughout.

UW- Well I hope you plan to do good with your newly acquired global communication weapon. Or at least fill the ole inter-web with splendid stories of whales (indeed, might this be the next installment of Animal Fables?).

Callisto said...

Wow, I've heard whales exhaling just where you describe. Your words are so evocative.

Anonymous said...

oh that was lovely! how I wish I could be in that sunshine right cream's just not the same in the wet and cold and damp. ( unless maybe you're in bed)

Anonymous said...

You really do paint the loveliest word pictures.

Really... people like Mr. Witness should be asked to keep his squirrels and whales on his own (very worthy) blog.

camille said...

callisto - Thank you and yes, isn't it a magical place? Especially on a warm mid-winters day.

Isabelle- I hope our beautiful weather finds you sometime this summer (so you can lie in the sun and eat ice-cream at least).

Bohemienne - Thank you for your kind words. This blog is open to all animals from wherever it is they emerge...